Transpersonal Yoga

Transpersonal Yoga is a therapeutic yoga practice created to support individuals on a journey towards Wholeness. Transpersonal Yoga holds that the body (Soma), is the only aspect of the Self that exists solely in the present. It is thus through the wisdom of the body that therapeutic processes, and indeed all aspects of the Self, are invited fully into the here and now.  JMS works with Transpersonal Yoga as an invitation to clients wishing to pursue a sense of embodied individuation and integration. Learn More

JMS Therapy Transpersonal Yoga


Meditation is an evidence-based practice that can nourish your mental and physical health. A daily meditation practice, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet has been scientifically observed to promote immune function, emotional intelligence, social connection, memory, attention, focus and creativity whilst it is also known to decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety, inflammatory illness, addictive behaviours and alleviating stress, loneliness, and pain.

JMS incorporates both meditation and breathwork into her therapy, as a way of offering clients supportive and empowering techniques for stabilisation, grounding, and anxiety management. She also facilitates an eight-week Meditation for Mental Health program tailored to the needs of each individual or therapeutic group.

JMS Therapy Meditation

Reiki Seichem

Reiki is an ancient holistic healing practice used to balance and bring into harmony all aspects of the individual. Reiki is a Japanese word often translated as “universal life-force energy” and has been used for thousands of years in the practice of energetic healing. It is a channel of energetic healing called in from the Higher Intelligence that is Source itself and is used in the healing of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances.

Jennifer weaves the energy of Reiki Seichem into and throughout the therapeutic practices of JMS Therapy Services. 

JMS Therapy Holistic Services


Jennifer weaves these ancient energies throughout her work and as such there is no separate price. However, they can be accessed as standalone therapies. Contact Jennifer to discuss further, if this is what you need.

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